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Technical issues optimization websites

The most popular companies that offer this service is google with googleadwords and yahoo with yahoo! Search, and the msn has started to offer its own service, msn center, in trial phase paid inclusion another popular method used by companies to viewed is paid inclusion, in accordance with which companies local seo service pay the company that provides search engine an amount to include their sites in the search index (search index) that keep search engines. Most search engines offer this service except google. The cost of the service varies according to the company that offers and usually consist of an annual subscription. Moreover, most businesses prefer a combination of paid inclusion and payment based on the hits of the hyperlink business.










It is worth noting that search engines they offer this service provide guaranteed appearance in results but not good ranking. Finally, opponents this method believe that the use of paid inclusion, the user search results are based more on economic and profit criteria rather than criteria of relevance. Optimization of search engines (seo) as mentioned in the previous section, the technical optimization of a website and by extension a business through search engines, or briefly (s.e.o), they consist of a set of methods aimed at promoting and advertisement of websites through their favorable ranking in the engines search in line with the target words- key phrases which is important for a business.









When the user performs a search by keywords or phrases in the websites returned which have a higher correlation with the search. As in search criteria may respond to thousands of websites, each search engine uses special algorithms which assess and rate local seo services india the different websites to the show a specific order to the list of results search. The classification is usually performed according to the relevance of the user's criteria for the content of websites. The results are reported in the literature as organic or natural results. In addition to these results may appear and websites that use paid inclusion techniques and payment based on the number of visits.













Although each machine search returns thousands of results, has shown that the final users only visit the original. Purpose of technical` optimization through search engines is improving the position and the plurality local seo package of developing a website for natural results of a search for various keywords and phrases. It has been view more shown that seo techniques have managed to increase both the number and the quality of visitors of a website, which either make markets or even ask other information. For this reason, various companies operating in the space of the web, they include optimization services in the original design their website. The optimization services are classified into promotional services, marketing, and play an important role in the success of a company whose shoppers are the web users.















As, the paid techniques inclusion and payment based on the number of visits local seo package may be prove extremely costly more and more businesses move in the optimization field through search engines to advertise and promote their products. Search engine function initially, a search engine uses programs such as «spiders», spiders or web crawlers, which automatically discover various web sites, following all hyperlinks detected. The contents of any website analyzed and this information, extracted local seo services india from the headers, the text, the meta-information, etc., stored in the machine foundations search and ranks.

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